Animals Prints

Whether it be the iridescent featheredge of a kingfisher or the charm and soul of our four legged friends, our love of animals runs deep in the Animals Collection. Dogs hold a special place in our heart and in each dog design we endeavour to capture their canine uniqueness and beauty.

Supplied in packs of 5

Framed prints have a turnaround of 21 days

Unframed prints have a turnaround of 14 days


Our prints are available framed or unframed and printed on quality card in 4 different portrait sizes.

Prints are printed in the UK on 240gsm glossy card stock.

Framed prints are mounted in a painted wood with quality acetate glazing and individually bubble wrapped.

A5 - unframed 15 cm x 21 cm - framed 19 cm x 25 cm
A4 - unframed 21 cm x 30 cm - framed 25 cm x 34 cm
A3 - unframed 42 cm x 30 cm - framed 46 cm x 34 cm
A2 - unframed 60 cm x 42 cm - framed 64 cm x 46 cm

note - sizes may vary slightly from above by up to 5mm

Prices below are for minimum quantities and include VAT. Click on a product to see prices excluding VAT.

We offer a range of bespoke services for wholesale customers including:

    •    custom designs
    •    quantity discounts for large orders

Please contact us for more information.